Primary. Years 3/4/5/6

First place in Primary category

If only it was imaginary.

By Chloe Sebire, year 4, Hautes Capelles School

Where am I? Did I fall asleep during the talk about endangered animals? I looked around, I was alone.

Trees towered above me and the air smelt of gun powder. Black stripes covered my body, it dawned on me, I was a tiger! How did I get here? Gun shots filled the air and the sound of thundering feet came closer and closer. I had to hide. They were after ME! I was running for my life, my heart was pounding, my new furry paws ached from the hard earth. Then it happened… an ear-splitting roar came from my mouth as pain flashed into my upper body. I felt dizzy and fell. Through my half-closed eyes I saw two men leaning over me.

“There’s another one down!”. Those where the last words I heard before darkness swallowed me…

Suddenly my eyes were open again. I felt sea sick. My body lurched from side to side, the air surrounding me was bitter but surprisingly, I wasn’t cold. Oh, please don’t let this be real, I think I’m now a polar bear. My gaze fell onto what was holding me up. It was a small iceberg; icy flakes were chipping off into the sea. I had no choice but to try and swim to safety. The freezing water engulfed me. As far as I could see there were no other icebergs. I turned back just in time to watch my iceberg dissolve into the sea. I couldn’t swim forever! My legs were getting weaker, my body began to sink deeper and deeper into the ocean. I gasped for air, but instead swallowed a mouthful of water. I was drowning.

There was a blinding light, I was back at the zoo. It wasn’t real, I knew it…but then…why can’t I stop crying?

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By Joel Smith, year 6, Amherst School

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By Casper Bailey, year 10+, Elizabeth College

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If only it was imaginary.

By Chloe Sebire, year 4, Hautes Capelles School

Where am I? Did I fall asleep during the talk about endangered animals? I looked around, I was alone...

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Under The World

By Stevie Austen, year 10+, Les Voies School

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By Amandine Harris, year 10+, The Ladies’ College

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By Lewis Hodge, year 5, Amherst School

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A Perfect World

By Lizzie Kennedy, year 10+, The Ladies’ College

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